
Lex Luthor: Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power, and I’m… No. Uh, um… No. What am I? I… What was I saying? No. The bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge with no power, because… Because that is paradoxical! And um… Thank you for coming.


Lex Luthor: Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? It’s that power can be innocent.


Lois Lane: You’re psychotic.
Lex Luthor: That is a three-syllable word for any thought too big for little minds.


Lex Luthor: See, what we call God depends upon our tribe, Clark-Joe. Because God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Daddy’s fist and abomination. I figured out way back, if God is all-powerfull, he cannot be all-good. And if he is all-good, then he cannot be all-powerful.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)